Obstetrics and

Serving Eugene and Springfield

Delivering at McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center

See Labor and Delivery at MWMC

The Center for Women's Health

We provide obstetric and gynecologic care for new and established OMG patients.
We believe in personalized, compassionate care and good communication.





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24-Hour in-house coverage exclusively at McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center.

We look forward to helping you with an uncomplicated pregnancy but also with any problems that arise, plus the physical and emotional challenges of this time in your life.

Specializing in routine and high risk pregnancies. Pregnancy is truly a miracle. But it can have its difficulties. We look forward to helping you with an uncomplicated pregnancy, but also with any complications that arise, and the physical and emotional challenges of this time in your life.

Gestational diabetes: In some women, the hormonal changes of pregnancy leads to a temporary form of diabetes. Women in whom testing at 24-28 weeks of gestation reveals they have gestational diabetes can often control it by changing their diet; some require medication.

High Risk pregnancies: Women who have pre-existing medical conditions like hypertension, diabetes, seizures, automimmune conditions, depression or bipolar disorder, and other conditions can have healthy pregnancies! In consultation with your primary care provider, your specialists, and with obstetricians who specialize in high-risk pregnancies, we help you progress through pregnancy while controlling your condition.

Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder: please talk to us before making major changes in your treatment! Many medications are safe to take while pregnant. We want to help you find balance that both supports your pregnancy and keeps you healthy.

Preconception: If you are struggling with infertility or want to discuss how your medical conditions may affect a future pregnancy, please contact us.

Pregnancy after 35: For partly historical reasons, women who are over 35 at the time of delivery are referred to as being of “advanced maternal age.” This is primarily due to the risk of major genetic defects that begins to rise at age 35. Fortunately, for those parents who want it, testing as early as 10 weeks now permits early detection of these defects.

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Providing evaluation and care

For conditions of the uterus, menstrual cycle, and pelvic organs throughout the life cycle.

Preventative Care: Whether you are a young adult  or have many decades of life experience, routine breast and pelvic exams, screening for cervical cancer and assessing menstrual and sexual function are important!  The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends that young women establish care with a gynecologist by age 15 (an appointment that may not involve a pelvic exam).  Pap smears (screening for cervical cancer) starts at age 21.  We will also ensure that you start mammograms and screening for colon cancer at the appropriate age. 

Endometriosis: 1 in 10 women have symptomatic endometriosis, which causes pain during their menstrual cycles and at other times.  We can help you explore medical and sometimes surgical options for treating this condition.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS):   This condition is estimated to affect 1 in 10 women  Women with PCOS have irregular or rare menstrual cycles, sometimes acne or hair growth, and decreased fertility.  We can help you control the symptoms and achieve pregnancy when you want it.

Birth control: More than just pills!  Let us help you find the best method of birth control for you.  

Heavy menstrual bleeding:  Excessive menstrual bleeding can cause anemia and fatigue.  Let us help you figure out the underlying cause and find the best treatment for you.

Pelvic organ prolapse:  Sometimes, with advancing age, the uterus, bladder or even rectum can begin to bulge (prolapse) into the vagina, leading to a sensation of pressure and problems with bladder and bowel function. We can help you with both surgical and non-surgical options for treating this condition

Incontinence: If you leak when you cough, sneeze or lift, or if you can’t make it to the bathroom, it may be due to structural or hormonal changes.  We can help you find and treat the underlying cause and help you regain control of your wayward bladder

Menopause: Menopause is a natural change, but it can lead to hot flushes, disturbed sleep and changes in sexual function.  We can help you decide whether hormonal (or non-hormonal) therapy is right for you. 

Transgender Care: Our providers have experience maintaining masculinizing hormone therapy. We can provide a gender-affirming hysterectomy.

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Surgical Procedures

We strive to provide the least invasive methods 

Hysterectomy Hysterectomy may be the best treatment for conditions of pain or disordered menstruation. We strive to provide the least invasive methods of hysterectomy for a faster and smoother recovery.  

Endometrial ablation:  We offer this procedure in the office and in an operating room. For many women with heavy menstrual bleeding, keeping the uterus but destroying the lining may be just as effective as a hysterectomy.  The technique is often less expensive and recovery is faster.  

Laparoscopic surgery:  Whenever possible, for conditions like ovarian cysts and endometriosis, even hysterectomies, we try to achieve the fastest recovery by operating in the abdomen through only small incisions, visualizing the operation though a tiny camera.  Incisions are ¼-½ inch in length. 

Sterilization (Tubal Ligation or “getting your tubes tied”):  When you are ready for no more children (or no children at all), permanent sterilization may be your preferred birth control.  This surgery is performed by laparoscopy.  Women typically need 2-5 days to recover.  

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Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
MWMC Maternity Care Coordinator